Unleash The Power Of Geofencing!
Proactively Target Your Audience Using GPS
Display ads for up to 30 days in over 600,000 apps and websites tailored to your audience’s interests and location.
Unleash The Power Of Geofencing!

Proactively Target Your Audience Using GPS
Display ads for up to 30 days in over 600,000 apps and websites tailored to your audience’s interests and location.
Maximize Your Marketing Efforts With Geofence Marketing
Advertise On A Network With Over 600,000 Popular Brands Including:

For illustration purposes only. No endorsement implied. Advertising campaigns may or may not use any or all of these brands.
We do not claim any ownership or association with any of the above brands.
Advertise On Over 600,000 Popular Apps and Sites:

For illustration purposes only. No endorsement implied. Advertising campaigns may or may not use any or all of these brands. We do not claim any ownership or association with any of the above brands.
Effective For Any Business Size
Hyper-Targeted Marketing
Reach only the audience that best serves your business goals.
Draw very precise fences around audiences that best serve your business objectives.
Trying to reach an audience attending a sporting event or tradeshow? Draw a virtual perimeter around the stadium or convention center and send ads to them for up to 30 days after the event.

Success Is In YOUR Hands
Be Pro-Active With Your Marketing
Instead of sitting back and hoping that your paid ads or search engine optimization are working, be proactive and seek out your target audience.
Develop a targeting strategy designed to go after your audience and meet them on their terms.
Leverage marketing automation to gain their interest and convert them into qualified leads and prospects.
Maximize Your Marketing Efforts With Cost-Effective Geofencing
Geofencing: Location-Based
Draw a fence around a location and ping everyone that enters the fence for up to 30 days after they’ve left the area. Display ads over a network of 600,000+ websites and apps. This is ideal for:
- Tradeshows
- Special Events
- Large Gatherings
- Neighborhoods
- Specific Buildings
- And more

Geofencing: Demographic-Based
Target specific areas, or “parcels,” based on certain demographic criteria. Differentiate one home from the neighboring home for better use of marketing dollars and higher value returns. Demographics include:
- Age
- Net Worth
- Language Spoken
- Debt Levels
- Home Ownership
- And more

Geofencing: Demographic-Based
Target specific areas, or “parcels,” based on certain demographic criteria. Differentiate one home from the neighboring home for better use of marketing dollars and higher value returns. Demographics include:
- Age
- Net Worth
- Language Spoken
- Debt Levels
- Home Ownership
- And more

Target specific “parcels” (at an individual house level) in a larger area that meet specific demographic criteria.
Frequently Asked Questions
My paid ads costs were out of control. With geofencing I get better traffic for less money.
I found out my competitor down the street was geotargeting me! Let’s just say I’ve evened out the playing field.
I didn’t know I could target specific streets rather than an entire zip codes! Game changer for sure!
Emarcom’s service is amazing. They handled everything. So happy to be working with JM and his team.
I couldn’t afford to exhibit at my industry trade shows. I used geofencing to at least have a
presence and target my potential customers. Great ROI!