Website Monitoring
As with any marketing tool, getting feedback about what is or isn’t working is critical to determine the next steps. Typically, if something is working, keep doing it. But without any tracking mechanism in place, how can a business know what is or isn’t working?
The most common tracking mechanism for websites is Google Analytics (GA). A piece of code added to the website, GA can paint an extremely detailed picture of how users come to the site and where they go during their visit. This information can help marketers and developers understand how effective certain pages of content are and what modifications, if any, are needed to improve the overall effectiveness.
Another tracking code that is often overlooked is called a Facebook (FB) pixel. We all know how popular Facebook is (over 1.45 billion daily active users) so having a business presence on the platform is important. The FB pixel allows a business to track Facebook traffic, conversions and events on the website. Having an FB pixel can also help optimize Facebook advertising and create an unparalleled custom retargeting audience list. Even if online sales or retargeting are not part of a business’ online strategy, an FB pixel can provide incredible insight about who is visiting the site and how to better target audiences in the future.
All websites should have both Google Analytics and the Facebook tracking pixel so they can collect valuable traffic information. This information can help optimize future marketing and advertising campaigns and prevent wasting time and money on poorly performing campaigns.
Learn more about emarcom’s website monitoring services.